October's Prayer Requests...(Still referring to Recapping the last 7 months post...)
(I included a picture of our sweet girl, just in case you were curious of what she looks like! Isn't she a sweetie?)
Dear Prayer Warriors,
We continue to feel your prayers and the Lord's presence as we walk our journey. How can we ever thank you? You bring glory to our Father and its amazing to see how God uses your prayers to manifest himself in our lives!
Lydia is still making progress. This part of our journey started when she was 6 months and she is now nearly 11 months old! We are seeing her use her neck, arms, and legs more and more. She is able to spend longer and longer amounts of time on her stomach, pushing up and rolling over some. She seems to recognize the words: momma, dada, bubba, her name, bye-bye and bite! Her love for Elmo and Dora is already obvious, and her "crazy hair" continues to grow in its own unique way! She is loving, laid back, funny, and precious in every way. Please continue to ask God to help grow stronger every day!
Our physical therapist believes that last Friday she displayed a 1 to 2 second "episode" that could have been a seizure. I was sitting less than a foot away from Lydia and didn't see anything I would have ever characterized as a seizure, but I couldn't see her eyes and I am no expert in this area. It is very troubling to us because we know that she is at risk of having seizures. Our neurologist immediately prescribed a "preventive" type of seizure medication. On the way to the pharmacy, though, I grew overwhelmingly worried that putting Lydia on any kind of medicine like this one would be a hasty decision. Jud felt the same way. We called our neurologist back and asked a million questions. To be certain that Lydia needs this medication, or doesn't need it, we will do a 24 hour EEG on November 7. There are no guarantees that the "episode" will re-occur, if indeed it did ever occur. At this point, we have not started the medication. The medication would be something they would keep her on for two years before re-evaluating her, then it must be "tapered" down before taking her completely off of it. You can imagine our unrest. Please pray that if Lydia is having any kind of seizure activity that we will be able to see that in the EEG, but also pray that she is not seizing. We are so thankful for our physical therapist and neurologist, they are EXCELLENT. We know that they are very proactive and they have been blessings to us.
The Lord continues to be faithful. As our hearts cling to HIM, HE meets us exactly where we are, exactly when we need it. I find myself hearing more every day about the struggles of each of us. Thank you for sharing in our lives in such a real way. Being transparent is not something that comes natural to any of us, but there is such power in it. We know that this LIFE is HARD and we are thankful we are not alone. Thank you for being patient with us as our lives have changed, and thank you for your prayers on behalf of our sweet Lydia.
"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you fathers, if your sons asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? ..... If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" Luke 11:9-13
"We live by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7
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