My Journey of Faith

Welcome to one of the My Journey of Faith blogs. My name is Heather and this page is where you can get to know me, post questions on Christian issues and share your experiences in daily living as a follower of Christ. There are others like me that want to share their own personal journeys of faith. Click on the names at the left to meet the others or click on this link for the main page: My Journey of Faith Thank you for stopping by to visit. Don't forget to post a comment.

Meet Heather

My name is Heather Nix. I have been married to my high-school sweetheart for ten years now, and we have three kids. I am one of those girls who is hopelessly in love with the Lord, my family, my church, and people and children in general! I have worked everywhere: I have been a sales associate at an opthamologist's office, a marketing assistant at a bank, a junior high school teacher, a realtor and now I am enjoying my most important job EVER-I am a stay at home mom!

My Journey of Faith is the most exciting, yet difficult, journey I think I will ever be blessed to experience. At times it has been more heart-pounding than any rollercoaster ride I've ever been on, and at other times it has been down right tough.

The only thing that makes it all worth it for me is the CONSTANT presence of the ONE TRUE GOD, my CREATOR and KING. I am still humbled and in awe of a love that covers all my sins. It blows me away that HE never lets GO of my hand....

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Recapping the last 7 months.....

As I mentioned earlier, the idea of blogging hasn't really been a "settling" notion for me. However, God has been all over me about blogging! I have ALWAYS been a writer, but revealing details of my personal life with complete strangers is a new challenge. I have journals all the way back to my third grade year, I was the editor of my high school newspaper, and I majored in Journalism in college, you would think I could write in my sleep. After all, I enjoy writing as much as many enjoy coffee.

However, over the last 7 months, I have just felt empty of the words I would need to start a blog. Not speechless, but unable to WRITE....For the life of me I can't explain it. I am unsure if it comes down to my life circumstances, discipline or fear. I am one of those people who likes to do everything with 110% or why bother. A true "blog" from me would require that I force myself to be transparent, reflective, introspective, and it would add another "to-do" in the day. Trying to juggle all the responsibilities of a stay at home mom of three kids, while being active in my church and community has been keeping my days full. Lately, though, I would say that more of my resistance to blogging would have to land on the side of fearing that what I would write wouldn't be important enough for others to read...BUT, after much prayer and persistence from friends I now can say "IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL."

To understand me, I figure I need to go ahead and share a little bit about who I am and what God is doing in my life. For starters, I have a sincere desire to develop and strengthen other believers and their walk with Christ. In whatever big or small way this blog does that, to God be the glory! Secondly, I deeply long to encourage other moms and wives as they search for themselves in a world that needs Christian friendships and examples. I have come to realize that without authentic Christian women in my life, I would be so lost.

The last 10 years I have been blessed to have the very best friend any girl could ask for as my husband. We have two handsome young boys and one darling little girl. Life was rolling right along, not perfectly but not far from it, when in July we took our then 6 month old little girl for her checkup. To make a long story short, we soon discovered that she has a rare brain malformation known as polymicrogyria. Rather than detail out those specifics I am going to include the emails that I sent out as our prayer chains to our intercessors...I pray that our stories shed some light on who I am and who OUR CREATOR is...I'll post more about our journey of faith as God prompts me to do so. I'd love your prayers and comments ANYTIME!

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